Tuesday, May 3, 2011

John Reed's Accident

Well, my friends and family...
        On April 18, at 4:00pm, John fell off a two and a half story building.  He came home with blood all over him and walked into my studio and said "I fell."  I started cleaning him up while he explained what had happened.  As we were getting him washed up and new clothes put on, his body started getting stiffer and more pain was becoming evident, by his lack of breathing.  So, i told him we need to go to the hospital.  Through his constant refusal and non-compliant remarks, and my threats to calling "all the men of the church to throw him into the car," we went to the hospital.  We waited for 6 hours in ER for test and blood work until the doctor finally told us,  "well, you have 9 broken ribs, and 5 of those are broke twice, and a punctured lung."  Our mouths dropped open as the doctor continued to tell us that John will be admitted for several days, as we watch for pneumonia to set in, recover times of 3 to 6 months, and probably will have to put a chest tube in.
         Right then, I started praying and I called for the church to pray.  I called my sister, cousin, mother and daddy, and Brother Bob and Tammy.  That is when God really started His work.  John is a very strong man and has worked hard all of his life in construction.  He has never had a major accident or anything like this, so it was hard keeping him down.  He is a very upbeat and encouraged individual.  So, when the healing starting coming fast,  I was not surprised.  The doctors were, though. 
        They just kept saying, he has amazing and fast healing.  John did not have a chest tube put in, his lung injury closed up in 3 days.  He had no evident of sickness or pneumonia, just pain in the ribs, no other broken bones were found.  His leg swelled up 4 days later and so we looked for clots, but none were found.  He got out of the hospital 10 days later, walking out...Alive!  The doctors say its amazing!  He is still in pain from the ribs, but he has already gone back to work a couple days a week.

         That is what God has done for us lately,  and I know he will continue to take care of us!  I thank my Lord every day for the miracles I see...every day, just in John.


  1. John is one strong (though stubborn) man, bless his heart. :) Glad the strength of the Lord is seeing him through this difficult healing process.
